We use Edstem for all announcements and discussion.
Everyone must join this class's Ed Discussion through Canvas.
Double check that you are joining the correct Edstem!
There are multiple concurrent course sections with the same name and course number taking place, e.g., online for OMSA and OMSCS, and campus for Atlanta-based students.
Students must always use Ed Discussion to communicate with course staff or for any class-related questions. Ed Discussion will be used for general posts, including private and public posts, threads, mega threads, Q&A, and announcements.
If course staff needs to communicate with specific students (i.e. members of a project team), the Ed Chat feature of Ed Discussion will be used. Students can benefit from this feature to communicate with other students. e.g., to discuss forming a project.
IMPORTANT: Everyone must ensure that the notification setting is on for both Ed Discussion and its Ed Chat feature to stay up to date with the class requirements and prevent losing points because of missing updates and announcements on Ed Discussion.
The fastest way to get help with homework assignments is to post your questions on Ed Discussion. That way, you can get help from our TAs and instructor as well as your peers.
If you prefer that your question is addressed to only our TAs and the instructor, you can use the private post feature (i.e., check the "Individual Students(s) / Instructors(s)" radio box).
While we welcome everyone to share their experiences in tackling issues and helping each other out, we ask that you refrain from posting your answers, as that may affect the learning experience of your fellow classmates.
For special cases such as failed submissions due to system errors, missing grades, failed file uploads, emergencies that prevent you from submitting, or personal issues, you can contact the staff using a private Ed Discussion post.
TAs plan to hold office hours starting week 2, except on Georgia Tech holidays (e.g., thanksgiving, MLK day, spring break). Each office hour session will be run by at least one TA, and is 1 hour long. See GT’s academic calendar for the full list of holidays (https://registrar.gatech.edu/calendar). We will spread the office hours across weekdays, and across time of the day. We will announce the office hour times.
We will hold office hours via Ed Discussion threads, where the TA running the office hour will be responding to comments within the thread live. We will share more information in our office hour announcement post on Ed Discussion.
Please note that you are always welcome to ask questions on Ed Discussion. Office hours supplement Ed Discussion, and do not replace it.
The amounts of time students spend on this class greatly vary, based on their backgrounds, and what they may already know. Some former students told us they spent about 40-60 hours on each homework assignment (we have 4 big assignments, and no exams), and some reported much less. For example, for the homework assignment covering D3 visualization programming students who are completely new to javascript, css, and html likely will spend significantly more time than those of their peers who have prior experience with these technologies. Some former students lacking a strong computer science background report having found the homework assignments quite challenging and demanding of significant time and effort. But they also report having found them rewarding, fun, and "do-able."
Students have at least 3 weeks to complete each homework assignment. In the past, some students have waited until the last week to begin, and could not finish. It is critical to plan ahead and prepare for the significant time required to complete the homework assignments.
Some programming assignments involve high-level languages or scripting (e.g., Python, Java, SQL etc.). Some assignments involve web programming and D3 (e.g., Javascript, CSS, HTML). For example, an assignment on Hadoop and Spark may require you to learn some basic Java and Scala quickly, which should not be too challenging if you already know another high-level language like Python or C++. It is unlikely that you know all of the tools/skills needed in every programing task, so you are expected to learn many of them on the fly.
Basic linear algebra, probability and statistics knowledge is also expected.
The Office of Disability Services offers accommodations for students with disabilities. Please contact the office should you need help.
Academic support, and personal support: Office of the Dean of Students, Counseling Center, Health Serivces, Women's Resource Center, LGBTQIA Resource Center, Veteran's Resource Center, Georgia Tech Police.
All content and course materials can be accessed online. There is no textbook for this course.
All Georgia Tech students have FREE access to https://www.oreilly.com, where you can find a huge number of highly rated and classic books (e.g., the "animal" books) from O'Reilly and Pearson covering a wide variety of computer science topics, including some of those listed below. Just log in with your official GT email address, e.g., jdoe3@gatech.edu.
None, but you should have taken courses similar to those listed in the next section, at Georgia Tech or at another school.
If you are an Analytics (OMS or campus) degree student, you should first take CSE 6040 and do very well in it; if necessary, please also first take CS 1301.
We thank Intel's support in curriculum development for the memory mapping module (scaling up algorithms with virtual memory).
We thank Amazon Educate for providing free cloud credit for Amazon Web Services. We are excited to be am AWS partner university and part of AWS Educate's private beta.
We thank Microsoft Azure's special grant for providing free cloud credit.
We thank Tableau for Teaching program's data visualization software.
Many thanks to my colleagues for sharing their course materials: