
What is GAM Coach?

GAM Coach is the first interactive system to generate customizable counterfactual (CF) explanations for Generalized Additive Models (GAMs).

In many machine learning (ML) applications, people use CF examples to help end users learn about model decisions. Given a data point, a CF example is a similar example where the machine learning model gives a different prediction. Take loan applications as an example, one can explain why a borrower's application is rejected with a CF example — "if your annual income were $5k higher, your application would be approved."

GAM Coach is designed to generate CFs for Explainable Boosting Machine (EBM), the state-of-the-art GAM trained with boosting trees. GAM Coach uses mixed-integer linear programming: it can efficiently generate CFs that are guaranteed to be optimal (minimal changes) and sparse (use minimal features).

GAM Coach is flexible. You can easily impose diverse constraints on your target CFs. For example, you can tell GAM Coach to generate CFs that only use certain features, within some ranges, and make at most some number of changes. Then, GAM Coach is guaranteed to find the best CFs meet these conditions (if feasible). In addition to the classic binary classification problems (e.g., loan approval prediction), GAM Coach also supports regression problems (e.g., loan interest rate prediction).

Get Started

Use GAM Coach Algorithm without a UI

If you only want to use the GAM Coach algorithm to generate CFs for EBMs without a UI, you can simply use the accompanying Python library.

The two primary python functions you will use are gamcoach.gamcoach.GAMCoach.__init__() and gamcoach.gamcoach.GAMCoach.generate_cfs().

  1. Train an EBM classifier or regressor
  2. Instantiate a GAMCoach object with the trained EBM model and your training data
  3. Generate customizable CFs on the interested input sample

Below is a minimal example to generate CFs for EBMs:

import gamcoach as coach

# First create a GAM Coach object
# It requires to provide the training data, so it can generate better CFs based
# on the data distribution
my_coach = coach.GAMCoach(ebm, x_train)

cfs = my_coach.generate_cfs(
    # List of features that the CFs can change
    features_to_vary=['loan_amnt', 'term', 'emp_length', 'home_ownership',
                      'annual_inc', 'purpose', 'dti', 'open_acc', 'revol_bal',
                      'revol_util', 'total_acc', 'application_type', 'mort_acc',
    # Some continuous features need to have integer values in practice
    continuous_integer_features=['open_acc', 'total_acc', 'mort_acc', 'fico_score']

Read the documentation of gamcoach.gamcoach.GAMCoach.generate_cfs to learn how to set up constraints for the CFs. These constraints include the difficulty of changing a feature, the acceptable range of a feature, and the total number of features that a CF can change.

Use GAM Coach UI with My Own EBM Model

GAM Coach also provides an easy-to-use interface that empowers end-users to easily specify their preferences and interactively fine-tune recourse plans. You can try out the GAM Coach UI on the public demo website, or watch a demo video.

Steps to use GAM Coach UI on your own EBM model:

  1. Train an EBM model
  2. Call gamcoach.gamcoach.get_model_data() to extract model weights
  3. Save the model weights into a JSON file in the gamcoach-ui/public/data folder
  4. Launch the GAM Coach UI

Please read the documentation of gamcoach.gamcoach.get_model_data() to see what information you need to prepare to extract the model weights. You can configure the default difficulties of each features, whether to use log transformation on some continuous features, or if a continuous feature require integer values, etc.

To launch the GAM Coach UI:

# Install the dependencies
cd gamcoach-ui
npm install

# Start a localhost server
npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5005. You should see GAM Coach running in your browser :)

Use GAM Coach UI with Different ML Models

GAM Coach UI's design and implementation are model agnostic, which means it can be applied to any other ML model. The goal of GAM Coach UI is to empower end-users to easily specify their preferences and interactively fine-tune recourse plans. Therefore, GAM Coach UI assumes that the new models and their recourse generation algorithms have the following three properties:

  1. One can specify the difficulty of changing a feature. Features that are deemed difficult to change should be least modified by the recourse generation algorithm.
  2. One can control the acceptable range of a feature, and the recourse generation algorithm respects specified acceptable ranges. For example, the algorithm only generates recourse plans with loan amount > $3k and home ownership is “rent”.
  3. Model inference is available.

Once these three assumptions are met, you can easily swap our integer linear programming code with new recourse algorithms and GAM inference code with new ML models.

The GAM Coach UI uses Svelte framework, where each view (e.g., header, tab bar, feature card) is a standalone and reusable component module. In our implementation, we follow a Model-View-Controller (MVC) software architectural pattern to separate the GUI (GAM Coach UI) and the computational model (ML and integer linear program). Therefore, to use GAM Coach UI with a different ML model, you only need to replace the Model code and reconfigure the Controller code, without modifying the View code.

Replace the Model

Sorry for overloading the word "model"! In the MVC architecture, the Model means the underlying data logic of a software. In GAM Coach, the Model is the ML model and its recourse generation algorithm. Therefore, to use a different ML model, you need to replace our Model with your new ML model inference and its recourse generation algorithm.

  1. The ML model is at ebm.js and ebmLocal.js.
    1. ebm.js implements the EBM inference in JavsScript.
    2. ebmLocal.js extends the ebm.js object to store a data sample where the users want to generate CFs
  2. The recourse generation algorithm is at gamcoach.js.

We made the extra effort to create a lightweight demo website for GAM Coach, which is serverless and runs entirely in the client’s browser. To do that, we re-implemented the GAM inference and integer programming optimization using JavaScript and WebAssembly. In contrast, to implement your own Model, you can replace our GAM and integer programming code with a backend server that directly calls your ML models and recourse algorithms in your favorite languages and packages (e.g., Python, R, C++, Scikit-learn).

Reconfigure the Controller

In the MVC architecture, the Controller functions as a communicator between the Model and View. You can see two examples below:

  1. When a user clicks and drags feature cards:
    1. View tells Controller that users has specified some preferences
    2. Controller tells the Model to update internal parameters
  2. When a user clicks the Regenerate button:
    1. View tells Controller that users wants new recourse plans
    2. Controller tells Model to generate new recourse plans
    3. Model generates new recourse plans with the latest preference configurations
    4. Model passes the results to Controller
    5. Controller passes the results to View asks View to render them
    6. View visualizes the new results

Therefore, once you have updated your Model, you need to update a few lines in Controller to hook up the communication between Controller and the new Model. The Controller code is at Coach.js. In this file, you only need to make 8 lines of changes:

  1. Replace EBM and EBMLocal with your new ML model (2 lines)
  2. Replace GAMCoach with your new recourse generation algorithm (1 line)
  3. Replace coach.generateCfs() with your new method to generate counterfactual explanations (there are 5 calls in this file)

Voilà, without changing any code in View, you can use GAM Coach UI with your new ML models! 🎉

  2# What is GAM Coach?
  4GAM Coach is the first interactive system to generate customizable counterfactual (CF)
  5explanations for Generalized Additive Models (GAMs).
  7In many machine learning (ML) applications, people use CF examples to help end
  8users learn about model decisions.
  9Given a data point, a CF example is a similar example where the machine learning
 10model gives a different prediction.
 11Take loan applications as an example, one can explain why a borrower's application
 12is rejected with a CF example — *"if your annual income were $5k higher, your application would
 13be approved."*
 15GAM Coach is designed to generate CFs for [Explainable Boosting Machine
 16(EBM)](, the state-of-the-art GAM trained with
 17boosting trees.
 18GAM Coach uses [mixed-integer linear programming](
 19it can efficiently generate CFs that are guaranteed to be optimal (minimal changes)
 20and sparse (use minimal features).
 22GAM Coach is flexible. You can easily impose diverse constraints on your target CFs. For example, you can tell GAM Coach to generate CFs
 23that only **use certain features**, **within some ranges**, and **make at most
 24some number of changes**. Then, GAM Coach is guaranteed to find the best CFs
 25meet these conditions (if feasible). In addition to the classic binary
 26classification problems (e.g., *loan approval* prediction), GAM Coach also
 27supports regression problems (e.g., *loan interest rate* prediction).
 29# Get Started
 31## Use GAM Coach Algorithm without a UI
 33If you only want to use the GAM Coach algorithm to generate CFs for EBMs without a UI, you can simply use the accompanying Python library.
 35The two primary python functions you will use are `gamcoach.gamcoach.GAMCoach.__init__()` and `gamcoach.gamcoach.GAMCoach.generate_cfs()`.
 371. Train an EBM classifier or regressor
 382. Instantiate a `GAMCoach` object with the trained EBM model and your training data
 393. Generate customizable CFs on the interested input sample
 41Below is a minimal example to generate CFs for EBMs:
 44import gamcoach as coach
 46# First create a GAM Coach object
 47# It requires to provide the training data, so it can generate better CFs based
 48# on the data distribution
 49my_coach = coach.GAMCoach(ebm, x_train)
 51cfs = my_coach.generate_cfs(
 52    cur_example,
 53    total_cfs=3,
 54    # List of features that the CFs can change
 55    features_to_vary=['loan_amnt', 'term', 'emp_length', 'home_ownership',
 56                      'annual_inc', 'purpose', 'dti', 'open_acc', 'revol_bal',
 57                      'revol_util', 'total_acc', 'application_type', 'mort_acc',
 58                      'fico_score'],
 59    # Some continuous features need to have integer values in practice
 60    continuous_integer_features=['open_acc', 'total_acc', 'mort_acc', 'fico_score']
 64Read the documentation of `gamcoach.gamcoach.GAMCoach.generate_cfs` to learn how to set up constraints for the CFs. These constraints include the difficulty of changing a feature, the acceptable range of a feature, and the total number of features that a CF can change.
 66## Use GAM Coach UI with My Own EBM Model
 68<img width="100%" src="">
 70GAM Coach also provides an easy-to-use interface that empowers end-users to easily specify their preferences and interactively fine-tune recourse plans. You can try out the GAM Coach UI on [the public demo website](, or watch [a demo video](
 72<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 74Steps to use GAM Coach UI on your own EBM model:
 761. Train an EBM model
 772. Call `gamcoach.gamcoach.get_model_data()` to extract model weights
 783. Save the model weights into a `JSON` file in the `gamcoach-ui/public/data` folder
 794. Launch the GAM Coach UI
 81Please read the documentation of `gamcoach.gamcoach.get_model_data()` to see what information you need to prepare to extract the model weights. You can configure the default difficulties of each features, whether to use log transformation on some continuous features, or if a continuous feature require integer values, etc.
 83To launch the GAM Coach UI:
 86# Install the dependencies
 87cd gamcoach-ui
 88npm install
 90# Start a localhost server
 91npm run dev
 94Navigate to [localhost:5005](https://localhost:5005). You should see GAM Coach running in your browser :)
 96## Use GAM Coach UI with Different ML Models
 98GAM Coach UI's design and implementation are model agnostic, which means it can be applied to any other ML model. The goal of GAM Coach UI is to empower end-users to easily specify their preferences and interactively fine-tune recourse plans. Therefore, GAM Coach UI assumes that the new models and their recourse generation algorithms have the following three properties:
1001. One can specify the **difficulty** of changing a feature. Features that are deemed *difficult to change* should be least modified by the recourse generation algorithm.
1012. One can control the **acceptable range** of a feature, and the recourse generation algorithm respects specified acceptable ranges. For example, the algorithm only generates recourse plans with `loan amount > $3k` and `home ownership is “rent”`.
1023. Model inference is available.
104Once these three assumptions are met, you can easily swap our integer linear programming code with new recourse algorithms and GAM inference code with new ML models.
106The GAM Coach UI uses [Svelte framework](, where each view (e.g., header, tab bar, feature card) is a standalone and reusable component module. In our implementation, we follow a `Model-View-Controller` [(MVC](–view–controller)) software architectural pattern to separate the GUI (GAM Coach UI) and the computational model (ML and integer linear program). Therefore, to use GAM Coach UI with a different ML model, you only need to replace the `Model` code and reconfigure the `Controller` code, without modifying the `View` code.
108### Replace the Model
110Sorry for overloading the word "model"! In the MVC architecture, the `Model` means the underlying data logic of a software. In GAM Coach, the `Model` is the ML model and its recourse generation algorithm. Therefore, to use a different ML model, you need to replace our `Model` with your new ML model inference and its recourse generation algorithm.
1121. The ML model is at [`ebm.js`]( and [`ebmLocal.js`](
113    1. [`ebm.js`]( implements the EBM inference in JavsScript.
114    2. [`ebmLocal.js`]( extends the [`ebm.js`]( object to store a data sample where the users want to generate CFs
1151. The recourse generation algorithm is at [`gamcoach.js`](
117We made the extra effort to create a lightweight [demo website]( for GAM Coach, which is serverless and runs entirely in the client’s browser. To do that, we **re-implemented** the GAM inference and integer programming optimization using JavaScript and [WebAssembly]( In contrast, to implement your own `Model`, you can replace our GAM and integer programming code with a backend server that directly calls your ML models and recourse algorithms in your favorite languages and packages (e.g., Python, R, C++, Scikit-learn).
120### Reconfigure the Controller
122In the MVC architecture, the `Controller` functions as a communicator between the `Model` and `View`. You can see two examples below:
1241. When a user clicks and drags feature cards:
125   1. `View` tells `Controller` that users has specified some preferences
126   2. `Controller` tells the `Model` to update internal parameters
1272. When a user clicks the `Regenerate` button:
128   1. `View` tells `Controller` that users wants new recourse plans
129   2. `Controller` tells `Model` to generate new recourse plans
130   3. `Model` generates new recourse plans with the latest preference configurations
131   4. `Model` passes the results to `Controller`
132   5. `Controller` passes the results to `View` asks `View` to render them
133   6. `View` visualizes the new results
135Therefore, once you have updated your `Model`, you need to update a few lines in `Controller` to hook up the communication between `Controller` and the new `Model`. The `Controller` code is at [`Coach.js`]( In this file, you only need to make 8 lines of changes:
1371. Replace `EBM` and `EBMLocal` with your new ML model (2 lines)
1382. Replace `GAMCoach` with your new recourse generation algorithm (1 line)
1393. Replace `coach.generateCfs()` with your new method to generate counterfactual explanations (there are 5 calls in this file)
141Voilà, without changing any code in `View`, you can use GAM Coach UI with your new ML models! 🎉
145__author__ = """Jay Wang"""
146__email__ = ""
147__version__ = "0.1.1"
149from gamcoach.gamcoach import *
150from gamcoach.counterfactuals import *